The user no longer needs to print a PDF document to annotate it. A PDF file received for review can be opened in PDF Annotator, commented on the PC with the mouse or on the Tablet PC using the pen, then saved back to PDF file in a single step.This saves both resources and time. With the Tablet PC, a PDF document is treated just like a normal printed document. The user just writes or draws his ideas and thoughts on the existing document.
PDF Annotator also lets you insert blank pages to gain more space for your comments. It can be used to fill in forms, and you can even use it for note-taking by creating new blank PDF documents.
• Add notes & annotations to any PDF document – comments, corrections, signatures, highlighting, even designs and drawings.
• Save annotations in the original file. Share them with coworkers, email them to partners or back to the authors – with no special software needed to view the marked up document.
• Type comments on top of PDF content, paste in images, use a stylus or drawing tablet if you have them.
• Restore to the original document at any time. Remove or hide all markup with just one click.
• Insert blank pages for more space. Or put comments at any place on the pages.
PDF Annotator requires Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 and has optional support for Tablet PCs.
What’s New in PDF Annotator 4:
New! Annotation Manager in the Sidebar
* Get a quick overview of all annotations in a document.
* Navigate to any annotations quickly.
* Perform operations on any selection of annotations.
New! Filter Annotations
* Only display a filtered subset of your annotations in the new Annotations sidebar.
* Filter by type, color, or page number.
New! Print Annotations Overviews
* Print a detailed list with small previews of every single annotation in a document.
* Print an overview only outlining the pages containing annotations.
New! Export/Import Annotations
* Export any selection of annotations.
* Reimport those annotations into a different document.
* Or reimport annotations into a new version of the original document.
New! Page Backgrounds
* Select between various lined or squared papers for new documents or pages.
* Additional pages with automatically use the right background.
* Background lines will be saved into your document.
New! Auxiliary Lines
* Display temporary lines to make writing on documents easier.
* Select between a wide range of possible line styles.
* These lines will not be saved into your document.
New! Group and Lock Annotations
* Group annotations to keep them always together.
* Lock annotations to avoid unwanted modifications or to avoid moving them.
New! Edit Style Properties
* Edit any style properties of existing annotations, i.e. colors, line widths or styles.
* Edit styles of multiple annotations at once.
New! Semi Transparency
* Select semi transparency level.
* For Rectangle (Square) and Ellipse (Circle) tools.
New! Tool Groups
* Group your stamps in the Toolbox.
* Exchange stamps through the new export/import.
* also added a number of new default stamps.
* Extract pages into a new document.
* Move bookmarks.
* Automatically minimize text box size after editing.
* Set DPI for snapshots.
* Automatic backups.
* Full Unicode support.
* Switch between languages.
* Many minor improvements
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